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+++ Demnächst in München auf Tour: Franz Ferdinand, Saxon, Wishbone Ash, Jimi Tenor, Green Lung, Michael Kiwanuka, Lenny Kravitz, John Cale, Skunk Anansie, Zaho de Sagazan, Sam Fender, Isolation Berlin, Bohren & Der Club of Gore, The Wombats, Ghost, Tangerine Dream, Russ Ballard, Peter Doherty, Y&T, Steven Wilson, Savatage, Iggy Pop, Meute, Judas Priest, Accept, Patti Smith, Santana, Faber, W.A.S.P., Sting, Uriah Heep, April Wine. +++

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233 Tonträger

Gabriel Peter - Plays Live (1983)

Gabriel Peter - So (1986)

Gabriel Peter - Live World Tour 86/87 (1987)

Gaddis Mark - Point of Refuge (1979)

Gäa - Auf der Bahn zum Uranus (1973)

Gainsbourg Serge - Mix (1958– 1976)

Gainsbourg Serge - Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited (2006)

Galahad - Nothing is Written (1991)

Galahad – Empires Never Last (2007)

Gall France - Special Mix

Gall France - Lounge Legends (2002)

Galneryus - Angel of Salvation (2012)

Gamma - I (1979)

Gamma - II (1980)

Gamma - III(1982)

Gamma - IV (2007)

Gammaray - Heading for Tomorrow (1990)

Gammaray - Sigh no More (1991)

Gammaray - Insanity and Genius (1993)

Gammaray - Land of the Free (1995)

Gammaray - Silent Miracles (Maxi CD 1996)

Gammaray - Alive ´95 (1996)

Gammaray - Somewhere out in Space (1997)

Gammaray - Heading for Christmas (1998)

Gammaray - Powerplant (1999, Digipack)

Gammaray - Blast from the Past (DCD, 2000)

Gammaray - No World Order (2001)

Gammaray - Heaven or Hell (Maxi CD2001)

Gammaray - Land of the Free Pt.II (2007)

Gammaray - To the Metal (2010)

Gammaray – Live – Skeletons and Majesties (2012)

Gammaray – Empire of the Undead (2014)

Gammaray – 30 Years – Live Anniversary (2021)

Garbarek Jan - Works (1984)

Garbarek Jan - Visible World (1996)

Gardner Jacco - Hypnophobia (2015)

Garfunkel Art - Breakaway (1975)

Garfunkel Art - The Art Garfunkel Album (1984)

Garish – Wenn Dir Das Meine Liebe Nicht Beweist (2010)

Garrison Michael - In the Regions of Sunreturn (1979)

Garrison Michael - Prisms (1981)

Garrison Michael - Eclipse (USA 1982)

Garrison Michael - A Positive Reflecting Glow (1992)

Garrison Michael - Tranquility Cove (1992)

Gazpacho - Tick Tock (2009)

Gazpacho – Demon (2014)

Gazpacho – Fireworker (2020)

Geldof Bob - The Vegetarians of Love (1990)

Gem Club – In Roses (2014)


Genesis - Trespass (1970)

Genesis - Foxtrot (1972)

Genesis - Selling England by the Pound (1973)

Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974)

Genesis - A Trick of the Tail (1976)

Genesis - Seconds out (1977)

Genesis - Wind and Wuthering (1977)

Genesis – ….and Then There Were Three (1978)

Genesis - Duke (1980)

Genesis - Abacab (1981)

Genesis - Four Sides Live (1982)

Genesis - Genesis (1983)

Genesis - Calling all Stations (1997)

Genie & Handwerk feat. Helmut Krausser - Bootleg (1988)

Genie & Handwerk feat. Helmut Krausser - Reunion, 7 Demos Rohmix (2000)

Genie & Handwerk feat. Helmut Krausser - Reunion (2001)

Gentle Giant - Three Friends (1972)

Gentle Giant - In a Glass House (1973)

Gentle Giant - The Power and the Glory (1974)

Geordie - Save The World (1974)

George Robin - Dangerous Music (1984)

Get Well Soon - Songs against the Glaciation (2008)

Get Well Soon - Rest now weary head you will get well soon(2008)

Get Well Soon - Vexations (2010)

Get Well Soon - Songs for/from Films (2010)

Get Well Soon - Xanadu Soundtrack Ltd. Ed. (2011)

Get Well Soon - The Scarlet Beast O`Seven Heads (2012)

Get Well Soon – Love (2016)

Get Well Soon – The Horror (2018)

Get Well Soon – Amen (2022)

Getz Stan & Evans Bill - But Beautiful (1974)

Getz Stan & Gilberto Joao - The Girl from Ipanema (1963/1993)

Getz Stan - The New Stan Getz Quartet au Go Go (1965/2007)

Ghost – Prequelle (2018)

Ghost – Imperia (2022)

Gibbons Beth & Rustin Man - Out of Season (2002)

Gilberto Astrud - Special Mix

Giles, Giles & Fripp – The Cheerful Insanity Of… (1968)

Gillan Ian - Mr. Universe (1979)

Gillan Ian - Glory Road (1980)

Gillespie Mark - I Believe (2000)

Gillespie Mark - Barefoot and Naked (2002)

Gilmour David - About Face (1984)

Gilmour David - Live in Gdansk (2008)

Gilmour David - Rattle That Lock (2015)

Gina X Performance – Nice Mover (1979)

Girls in Hawaii - Everest (2013)

Girls in Hawaii – Nocturne (2017)

Girlschool - Demolition (1980)

Girlschool - Hit and Run (1981)

Girlschool – The Very Best Of Girlschool (2002)

Giuffria - Silk & Steel (1986)

Glass Philip - Glassworks (1981)

Glass Philip - Koyaanisqatsi (1983)

Glass Philip - Akhnaten (1984)

Glass Philip - Solo Piano (1989)

Glass Philip - The Essential (2002)

Glasvegas - Glasvegas (2008)

Glen Marla - This is Marla Glen (1993)

Gloryhammer - Tales from the Kingdom of Fife (2013)

Gloryhammer - Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards (2015)

Gloryhammer – Legends From Beyond the Galactic …(2019)

Go Betweens - Tallulah (1987)

Go Betweens - 16 Lovers Lane (1988)

Go Betweens - The Friends of Rachel Worth (2000)

Go Betweens - Bright Yellow Bright Orange (2003)

Go Betweens - Oceans Apart (2005)

Go Betweens – Fountains of Youth (2020)

Goalby Peter - A Foreigner over Paper Moon (1990)

Goalby Peter – Easy With The Heartaches (2021)

Goanna - Spirit of Place (1982)

Goblin - Profondo Rosso (1975)

Goblin - Roller (1976)

Goblin - Suspiria (1977)

Goblin - Dawn of the Dead/Zombi (1978)

Goblin - Il Fantastico Viaggio del Bagarozzo Mark (1978)

Goblin - Tenebre (1982)

Goblin – Beyond The Darkness (2014)

Goblin – Four Of A Kind (2015)

Gods - The Singles (1968– 1969)

Gods - Gods featuring Ken Hensley (1976)

Gods - Genesis (1968 / CD 1994)

Gods - To Samuel a Son (1969,CD 1995)

Godz - Godz (1978)

Godz - Nothing is Sacred (1978)

Godz - I´ll get you Rockin (1985)

Godz - Mongolians (1987)

Godz – Last of The Outlaws (2012)

Godz – From The Vaults, Vol.1 (2013)

GoGo Berlin - New Gold (2013)

GoGo Berlin - Electric Lives (2015)

GoGo Berlin – The Ocean 2019)

GoGo Berlin – Replica (2020)

Göttsching Manuel - E2 E4 (25th Anniversary Edition 2006/1984)

Golden Earring - Eight Miles High (1969)

Golden Earring - Seven Tears (1971)

Golden Earring - Together (1972)

Golden Earring - Hearring Earring (1973)

Golden Earring - Moontan (1973)

Golden Earring – Switch (1975)

Golden Earring - Cut (1982)

Goldfrapp - Felt Mountain (2001)

Goldfrapp - Seventh Tree (2008)

Golowin Sergius - Lord Krishna von Goloka (1973)

Gong – Flying Teapot (1973)

Gong – Angels Egg (1973)

Gong – You (1974)

Gong – The Universe Also Collapses (2019)

Gonjasufi - a Sufi and a Killer (2010)

Goodman Jerry - It´s Alive (2001)

Goodnight Monsters - Summer Challenge (2008)

Gorillaz - Demon Days (2005)

Gossip - Music for Men (2009)

Gotan Project - La Revancha del Tango (2001)

Gov`t Mule - A Special Halloween Performance of Neil Young (2014)

Gov`t Mule - Dark Side of the Mule, Hunter, NY June 5, (2015)

Gov`t Mule - Dark Side of the Mule, Xfinity Center, Mansfield 14.07.2018

Gowan - Gowan (1982)

Gowan - Strange Animal (1985)

Gowan - Best Of (1997)

Goykovich Dusko - In My Dreams (2001)

Goykovich Dusko - Samba Do Mar (2003)

Goykovich Dusko - Samba Tzigane (2006)

Grand Funk - E pluribus Funk (1972)

Grand Prix - Grand Prix (1980)

Grand Prix - Samurai (UK 1983)

Grant Eddie - Killer on the Rampage (1982)

Grant John - Pale Green Ghosts (2013)

Grant John – Grey Tickles, Black Pressure (2015)

Grateful Dead – American Beauty (1970)

Grauzone - Die Sunrise Tapes (1998)

Graveyard – Innocence & Decadence (2015)

Gray David - Special Mix by Gun

Gray David - Special Mix II by Gun

Great White - Shot in the dark (1986)

Great White - Once Bitten (1987)

Great White - Hooked (1991)

Great White - Psycho City (1992)

Great White - Sail away - Anaheim live (DCD 1994)

Great White - Back to the Rhythm (2007)

Great White - Rising (2009)

Green Adam - Friends of Mine (2003)

Green Adam - Gemstones (2004)

Green Adam - Jacket Full Of Danger (2006)

Green Lung – Black Harvest (2021)

Green Peter - In the Skies (1979)

Green Peter – Little Dreamer (1980)

Green Peter - Watcha Gonna Do (1981)

Green Peter - White Sky (1982)

Greenway - Serious Business (1988)

Greenwood Jonny (Radiohead) & Can - Norwegian Wood (Soundtrack, 2010)

Greta Van Fleet - Anthem of the Peaceful Army (2018)

Greta Van Fleet – The Battle at Garden`s Gate (2021)

Grieg Edward - Peer Gynt - Suiten 1+2

Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (2009)

Grobschnitt - Grobschnitt (1972)

Grobschnitt - Ballermann (1974)

Grobschnitt - Jumbo (englisch, 1975)

Grobschnitt - Jumbo (deutsch, 1976)

Grobschnitt - Rockpommels Land (1977)

Grobschnitt - Solar Music Live (1978)

Grobschnitt - Merry-Go-Round (1979)

Grobschnitt - Volle Molle - Live (1980)

Grobschnitt - Illegal (1981)

Grobschnitt - Razzia (1982)

Grobschnitt - Kinder und Narren (1984)

Grobschnitt - Sonnentanz - Live (1985)

Grobschnitt - Fantasten (1987)

Grobschnitt - Last Party – Live (1990)

Grobschnitt - Die Grobschnitt Story (DCD 1994)

Grobschnitt – Grobschnitt Story 3 – The History of Solar Music, Vol.2 (2006)

Grönemeyer Herbert - 4630 Bochum (1984)

Grönemeyer Herbert - Sprünge (1986)

Grönemeyer Herbert - Ö (1988)

Grosskopf Harald – Krautwerk (2017)

Grushecky Joe - American Babylon (1995)

GTR – GTR (1986)

Gun Club - Pastoral Hide & Seek (1990)

Guns´n Roses - Appetite for Destruction (1987)

Gurf Morlix – The Soul & the Heal (2017)

Gurvitz Adrian - Classic (USA 1982)

Gwildis Stefan - Neues Spiel (2003)

Gwildis Stefan - Nur Wegen Dir (2005)

zuletzt aktualisiert Februar 2025