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45 Kurze aus Berlin
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O´Connor Sinead - How about I be Me (and you be you) (2012)
Oberon - Dream Awakening (2014)
Of Monsters and Men - My Head is an Animal (2012)
Offspring - Ixhay on the Hombre (1997)
Offspring - Conspiracy of one (2000)
Ohrenfeindt - Schmutzige Liebe (2003)
Ohrenfeindt - Schwarz auf Weiss (2011)
Okkervil River - Black Sheep Boy ( 2005)
Okkervil River - The Stand Ins (2008)
Okta Logue - Diamonds and Despair (2016)
Oldfield Mike - Tubular Bells (1973)
Oldfield Mike - The Orchestral Tubular Bells (1975)
Oldfield Mike - Ommadawn (1975)
Oldfield Mike - Incantations (1978)
Oldfield Mike - Platinum (1979)
Oldfield Mike - Q.E.2 (1980)
Oldfield Mike - Crises (1983)
Oldfield Mike - Discovery (1984)
Oldfield Mike - Tubular Bells III (1998)
Oldfield Mike – Return to Ommadawn (2017)
Omega - I (1973)
Omega - Transcendent (1996)
Omega - Best of Omega Vol.1 – 1965-1975 (2005)
Omen - Battle Cry (1984)
One Republic - Waking Up (2009)
Opeth - Pale Communion (2014)
Opus - Opusition (1982)
Opus - Up and Down (1984)
Orbit William - Best of strange Cargos (1996)
Orff Carl - Carmina Burana (1976)
Osbourne Ozzy - Blizzard of Ozz (1980)
Osbourne Ozzy - Bark at the Moon (1983)
Osbourne Ozzy - The Ultimate Sin (1986)
Osbourne Ozzy - Ozzmozis (1995)
Osbourne Ozzy - The Ozzman Cometh (1997)
Outside Edge - Running Hot (1986)
Ozric Tentacles - Jurassic Shift (1993)
zuletzt aktualisiert Februar 2025